Beauty after upscaling: How Technology Impacts our Aesthetic perceptions
In order to get in sync with this article, it might be beneficial to listen to this sound generator while reading it. Unfortunately, this kind of content cannot be incorporated right into this webpage. Milan Kundera, contemporary and one of the best Czech writers of all time. Kundera and the crisis of contemporary music Since I am very interested in digital technology, a few days ago I was browsing the web and I stumbled, studying the most widely used security and cryptography protocols, in this website , which hasn't been updated since 2008. What may come across as kind of striking for those who, like me, spend a lot of time online is the almost primitive design of its graphics. Despite the high level of its content, the visual impression is definitely no match for the daily experience of the average internet user. Or such was my first impression. While realizing it, my mind was crossed by an impulse to reflection: it was not the first time that I happened to...