
Ode to R+ revisited ... the echo of a post-classical message

The resounding of Moorish and Christian architecture, of Arab-style rounded and Gothic-style pointed arches paying a joint tribute to the Almighty, is a rare symphony to watch. It is possible to witness it in Andalusia though, the sunny land that, for centuries in the low through high middle age, has hosted Arab conquerers alongside Christian subjects, who waited until the thirteen century before claiming back the lands first seized by their Roman ancestors, while still coexisting for two-hundred long years with the last stronghold of their once invincible Muslim overlords, perched up in Granada, the last bulwark of the long lasting Moorish Mediterranean glory. A resistance to which the Alhambra monumental complex stands tall as an eternal, stone-made account on its hill. The guides toil at explaining visitors that the reason for such architectural choices were ingrained in the lack of economic means of the Christian conquerers: there was no possibility to tear everything down and rebu...

On the problem of Seasonal Employees

During the summer season of 2023, we noticed that several customers found a lack of professionalism in my company's staff. So I wrote a blog post on my company's website to rebut the implications carelessly waived by some keyboard lions on the notorious TripAdvisor website.   Here, I take inspiration from that post to discuss more in-depth the problem of seasonal employees and the role of society in the shaping of this particular job market, trying to stress both the regime change which has been underway for a couple of decades and which was hugely accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.  I hope I prove as skilled at pointing our blind spots as I will hopefully be in describing such dynamics.    Foreign presence in our staff: numbers and trends Let's start with some numbers. At the height of the season, the foreign presence in our staff, out of a total of 46 regularly employed people, was divided by nationality as follows: 13 Senegalese...

Beauty after upscaling: How Technology Impacts our Aesthetic perceptions

 In order to get in sync with this article, it might be beneficial to listen to this sound generator while reading it. Unfortunately, this kind of content cannot be incorporated right into this webpage. Milan Kundera, contemporary and one of the best Czech writers of all time. Kundera and the crisis of contemporary music Since I am very interested in digital technology, a few days ago I was browsing the web and I stumbled, studying the most widely used security and cryptography protocols, in this website , which hasn't been updated since 2008. What may come across as kind of striking for those who, like me, spend a lot of time online is the almost primitive design of its graphics. Despite the high level of its content, the visual impression is definitely no match for the daily experience of the average internet user. Or such was my first impression. While realizing it, my mind was crossed by an impulse to reflection: it was not the first time that I happened to...

View from the Moon

  I hereby propose a poem written by a participant to our R+ meeting, to pay a tribute to our wonderful week together, so dense in experiences and learning. For a tribute in prose by Yours, you can look here , whereas an analytical account of the meeting can be found here . The poem is totally unedited and, so, comes across as extremely genuine . Enjoy ! Forget what you know about the world it is more than green and blue, I’ve seen the view, From the moon. It started when I climbed aboard a giant’s chest And then onto his shoulders I saw the world stretch out before me My eyes as wide as my heart could grow Alas, In time I grew discontent and the horizon caught my eye I wondered what lay beyond And noticed the wise man’s arm ascend He curled His hand into a fist And extended a finger to make a point I crouched along his arm and hand And placed my head down low I looked to where the pointer pointed And then the moon presented a glowing mirror show With my eyes asquint I saw some th...

Ode to R+

I hereby copy and paste a tribute in prose that I jotted down on a whim during my last night at Tenute Al Bano, in mid-October, where one of the most inspiring meetings I have attended during all my life took place. I have had the privilege to meet there some of the most inspiring and interesting people I have ever found stacked in one single place during my whole life. What I have written won't be immediately clear to neither people who have not taken part in the meeting, because I am using the style of the consciousness flow, where I am the reader/listener of myself, nor to those who have not been following attentively the happenings of the Ukrainian conflict, which I have been looking at for months and which unceasingly have me appalled, not so much because of the conflict in itself, rather because of the stance that we, as Europeans, are taking. In the event that some reader were interested in better understanding me, a less introspective description of the meeting was provid...

The first R+ meeting happened in Italy...

This happens to be my first post on this blog and also a very special one for me.  A tribute in prose to the experience I recount in detail here and which I had last October was penned on a whim at night and published elsewhere . Finally, a beautiful tribute in verses was written by Justin Bold (another participant, bowed head in the picture below) and is available here . From October 10th through October 16th, a group of entrepreneurs, consultants, software engineers, computer scientists, crypto experts, designers and architects, brought together by their interest in risk, have gathered at Tenute Al Bano, in Cellino San Marco, to follow a series of talks about multiple topics.  The beginning My interest in risk and extreme events dates back to 2014, when I first came into contact, a short while after emigrating to Poland to pursue a scientific career in physics, with Nassim Taleb's books on uncertainty and risk management. Beside being an accomplished former trader, Nassim ...