View from the Moon


I hereby propose a poem written by a participant to our R+ meeting, to pay a tribute to our wonderful week together, so dense in experiences and learning. For a tribute in prose by Yours, you can look here, whereas an analytical account of the meeting can be found here.
The poem is totally unedited and, so, comes across as extremely genuine.
Enjoy !

Forget what you know about the world
it is more than green and blue,
I’ve seen the view,
From the moon.

It started when I climbed aboard a giant’s chest
And then onto his shoulders
I saw the world stretch out before me
My eyes as wide as my heart could grow

Alas, In time I grew discontent
and the horizon caught my eye
I wondered what lay beyond
And noticed the wise man’s arm ascend
He curled His hand into a fist
And extended a finger to make a point

I crouched along his arm and hand
And placed my head down low
I looked to where the pointer pointed
And then the moon presented
a glowing mirror show

With my eyes asquint I saw some things
A philosopher and a time machine
And sat beside an architect
Eating cake and ice cream
Waited on by a physicist
Transacted through a cryptic teller machine
A Viking’s voice boomed a melody
A Russian joined in harmony
Spurred along by an Egyptian queen

I was captivated by with what I saw
And felt a yearning deep within
I stood back up and took a breath
Closed my eyes and took a leap
A leap of faith in many eyes
To simply visit space

I knew not if I would cross the gap
But in the end I did
I knew not what to expect at all
But I landed and fit straight in

I learnt and laughed and drank and sang
But The time flew by so fast
like Caesar in Brundisium
But I made sure to turn and see
If the world was truly blue and green

Of course it was but not only so
I could see a familial glow
A calm and nurturing yellow
Another made me stop and think
A passion imbued in dusty pink
And the more I looked
The more I saw
A kaleidoscope of tones
That touched me deep down in my bones
It was these colours that when combined
Thrust me forth away from home
A fuel of sorts historical
Friends and family that know me well
But Only from the perspective they can tell
A source of loneliness when down there
Is fondly revered from this rarefied air

And now it’s time to leap again
To go back home and slot right in
Happy sad, ambivalent
I bid farewell to the lunar contingent

Forget what you know about the world
it is more than green and blue,
I’ve seen the view,
From the moon.

For just a week I was a cosmonaut
A space time traveller, who’d have thought?
I’ll return again when the time is right
When I climb aboard the giant again
And stare to where his finger points
To take a leap again
Which I’m sure will be
Easier each time till eternity

Justin Bold


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